In a previous post you read about the string of 90's that are coming up in the forecast for this weekend. You can expect high temperatures Saturday, Sunday, Monday, and Tuesday to all be in the 90's. When you think heat, you often think of humidity right along with it. This weekend humidity will be on the rise, but currently it's not forecast to be at the 'oppressive level'. Generally dew points in the 40's are considered dry, the 50's are still comfortable, but once you get into the 60's is when you start to feel that 'sticky' feel. At times in the summer, dew points can even climb into the 70's which is when the air outside begins to feel 'oppressive.'

Dew points are essentially a measure of how much moisture there is in the atmosphere. However, when the humidity is higher, temperatures aren't able to warm as much as dry air. That is why Tuesday may not be as hot as highs in the weekend, but it could feel hotter. Through the weekend it will feel slightly humid with dew points in the 60's but you'll notice it even more for the start of next week.
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