Sunday, October 8, 2023

Solar eclipse 2023: What it is and will we be able to see it?

What is a Solar Eclipse?:

On Saturday, October 14th, the moon will partially obscure the sun in what is known as a solar eclipse. Unlike the last solar eclipse which which was a total solar eclipse (August 2017), Saturday's eclipse will be an annular solar eclipse. 

What's the difference? 

In general, a solar eclipse takes place when the moon’s orbit places it in between the earth and the sun, either partially or completely obscuring it from view. But an annular solar eclipse occurs when an eclipse takes place while the moon is at its farthest point from earth. Because of this additional distance, it does not fully block the sun, leaving a portion of the sun visible behind it.

Will We See it? 

Those who live in the western and southern U.S will be able to see the eclipse at it's fullest. We in N. IL and S. WI on the other hand will only get in on 40%-50% of the eclipse. In central time, the eclipse will begin around 10:30AM, lasting until 1:20PM. But does the forecast work in our favor? 

According to forecast models this morning, the answer to that unfortunately is no. It's at the time of the upcoming eclipse where our next impactful storm system will be sitting over the region, blocking our view with clouds and rain. It won't be until 2046 in which we get another opportunity at an annular solar eclipse. But don't fret. A total solar eclipse is in the works for next April, one where full totality tracks through southern Illinois into Indiana.

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