Sunday, December 31, 2023

2023 comes to a close with freezing drizzle and light snow

A clipper system diving into the Great Lakes is set to bring a busy end to 2023.

Overnight, all of our northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin counties were placed under a WINTER WEATHER ADVISORY. 

For most, it runs until noon. Freezing drizzle has led to icy roads in Green County, WI as well as Carroll, Stpehenson, Whiteside, Ogle, Lee, and Jo-Daviess County in northern IL. 

In a similar fashion to yesterday, give yourself extra travel time and travel with caution. Especially if your morning travels take you over an elevated surface such as a bridge or overpass. 




As the warm nose or layer in the low levels of the atmosphere erodes, a transition from freezing rain/drizzle to snow is expected before sunrise. Now, it goes without saying that the longer freezing rain/drizzle remains as the primary precipitation type, the less snow will accumulate. 

Snow showers remain a possibility in a scattered fashion into the afternoon and evening, leaving behind about .5" or less.

Again, with temperatures sitting in the low 30s, this will make for additional slick spots for those traveling to any New Years Eve celebrations. 

As this clipper system pushes further east, high pressure over the Midwest will take it's place. Cloud cover will decrease overnight, resulting in a mostly sunny start to 2024. Temperature-wise, we keep the chill that is in place today as afternoon highs Monday are set to peak in the low 30s.

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