Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Cooler-Than-Average, Breezy Stretch Continues as we jump into Autumn

Fall-Like End to Summer:

Remember how we were hinting at big changes with Tuesday's frontal passage? Well, we really meant BIG changes. Rockford saw it's daily high temperatures go from the low 90s Sunday, to just barely hitting the 70-degree mark yesterday. 

In fact, a glimpse at the almanac shows that yesterday's high of 70-degrees was the first time since September 4th that the airport observed a below-average high. In other words, summer has been in control for much of the month of the September. However, I am happy to say that there is nothing summer-like about the forecast as we head into the first few days of fall. 

Jumping Into Fall:

Now, for those that are wondering, the fall equinox doesn't actually occur until 2:20 this afternoon. At that time, the sun's most directed rays will be centered right over the Earth's equator. When the day comes for an equinox to occur, daylight hours and nighttime hours are roughly the same, just one outnumbers the other by a matter of minutes. Come this weekend, nights will be longer than days until next year’s Spring Equinox.

 Cooler, Breezy Stretch:

Two systems will be battling it out to determine who sees more sunshine, and who see more cloud cover as we jump into fall.Thanks to a stationary low-pressure system over the Great Lakes, areas along and east of I-39 will have a better opportunity to see a few more clouds throughout the day. But, as high pressure approaches from the west, this will help slowly bump this low-pressure system away from the area, allowing clouds to decrease a little into tonight. With the pressure tightening up between the two systems, winds will become a bit gusty once again for the afternoon hours. Winds out of the north, and sometimes out of the northwest, could gust up to 25 to 30 mph at times. This will limit our high temperatures to the upper 60s, making for the first 60-degree day in Rockford since July 8th.

More of the same can be expected as we roll into Thursday, but winds won't be as strong. Highs look to remain in the upper 60s, close to 70-degrees before making a quick jump towards the 80-degree mark on Friday. As mentioned before, it does look like Friday begins on a sun-filled note, with clouds increasing late in the day. 

This is in response to a secondary cold front that slides in Friday evening, bringing with it a couple of showers. With that being said, it doesn't look like the chance we see will be in any shape or form of a wash out. Rain chance look to slim to none after Friday, as another high pressure system settles in.

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