Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Crop progress report

It's spring!  And that means farmers will be out in full force over the next several weeks prepping their fields getting them ready for corn and soy bean planting.  This also means you need to be a little more alert, and patient, while traveling the country roads.

The month of April has seen it's ups and downs with the weather.  From 70's one week, to rain and 50's the next, it's been hit or miss for farmers to get out into the fields.  According to the latest USDA report, corn planting had been limited in some areas last week due to the cool and wet conditions.  Throughout the state of Illinois, 31 percent of the corn crop has been planted.  This is up from last week when only 15 percent of the corn crop was planted.  Last year around this time, 28 percent of the corn crop had been planted.

I would imagine with the relatively dry weather we've had, farmers will be out even more in the coming days to get corn in the fields.  Within the next few weeks, soy beans will be going in, so remember to keep a watchful eye to the fields.

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