Monday, May 11, 2015

Squeeze Play: Gusty winds continue through Tuesday afternoon

Expect those gusty winds to hold their own through Tuesday afternoon as low pressure departs to the east and high pressure settles in from the west.

But, it's the difference in pressure between the two systems that is causing the gusty winds you felt this afternoon.  Let's think about it this way.  Have you ever been to downtown Chicago?  You know they don't call it the windy city for nothing.  The wind tends to increase between the close buildings because the same amount of wind has to get through a smaller space.  That's often times why when you walk between buildings in a city, the wind increases.

The same can be applied to high and low pressure systems.  The difference in pressure is what drives the wind.  The higher the difference in pressure between the two, the stronger the wind.  Unfortunately, the low will be slow moving and won't completely leave the Great Lakes until Tuesday evening.  So, look for another windy day Tuesday.

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