Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Heat Safety

With the potential for temperatures to soar into the low 90's for the weekend and the heat index reaching the middle 90's, it's important to remember to take it easy as the summer heat arrives.  The heat won't last long, only a couple days, but it's long enough especially for the first big potential warm up of the season.

If you're going to be outside for any prolonged period of time - construction workers, farmers, landscapers, etc - remember to wear lightweight, loose-fitted clothing.  This allows air close to your body to circulate and won't keep the heat trapped near your skin.  If you can, try to spend a decent amount of time in air conditioning and take advantage of any cooling centers if you don't have air conditioning.  If you must workout or exercise in the outside try to do it when the temperatures are not at their warmest, either early in the morning or late in the evening.

Drink plenty of water and limit alcohol and caffeine consumption.  And remember to eat lighter meals.  And most importantly, don't forget your pets.  Animals can become overheated too.

The good news is the heat won't last with temperatures returning back to normal as early as Sunday.

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