The First Warn Weather Team needs YOUR help!! Are you someone who loves or has a passion for the weather? Would you like to report what's going on in your home town during the weather cast or during severe/active weather? If so, then you're the person we're looking for. We currently have several Weather Watchers across Northern Illinois but are in need of more. The First Warn Weather Team is looking into developing a Weather Watcher network across Northern Illinois and Southern

Wisconsin. Ideally, we would like to have two, or more, weather watchers per county for Rock, Green, Walworth, Jo Daviess, Stephenson, Winnebago, Boone, McHenry, Carroll, Ogle, DeKalb, Lee and Whiteside. Responsibilities would include a quick, 30 seconds to a minute, report on the current conditions in your home town during our morning/evening weather casts as well as during severe weather. We're not asking for anyone to storm chase because we want to keep you safe. Rather the reporting would be from your home just looking out your window. You can set up web cam by your window and report to us via Skype. Weather reports likely wouldn't be every day since we would keep a rotating schedule and if you were unable to report in a week that would be okay.
If this sounds like something you may possibly be interested in we ask that you go to our website: There, you'll look on the right hand side of the page and under '
Weather Links' find the
'Weather Watcher Information Form'. Fill out, save and then email us:
Towards the middle of September we'll get in contact with potential weather watchers and hold an informational meeting on what to expect in the upcoming months. This is something the First Warn Weather Team is excited to start up and we look forward to hearing from you soon!
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