Thursday, November 15, 2018

Thursday Update: Winter Weather Preparedness Week

Winter Weather Preparedness Week continues on, and today's topic is precipitation types. The precipitation type we have seen so much of this year is rain. We are well above average in rainfall for the year so far. When water droplets fall through a completely warm layer (with temperatures above 32°F) that is when we will see rain at the surface.
If water droplets fall through a warm layer (with temperatures above 32°F) and then a small cold layer close to the ground, that is when we will see freezing rain. This will create icy surfaces throughout the area.
If water droplets fall through a small warm layer (with temperatures above 32°F) and then a larger layer of cold air close to the ground, that is when we will see sleet.
When water droplets fall through a completely cold layer (with temperatures below 32°F) that is when we will see snow at the surface.

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