Strong storm over Whiteside county moving east at 30mph. Wind gusts near 40mph, and nickel sized hail possible.

Another strong storm over Green county is moving east at 55mph. Dime sized hail is possible along with very heavy rain
Coverage of storms has expanded but severe threat now lower. Heavy rain and lightning through 9am.
Thunderstorms this morning have approached 30-40 thousand feet, prompting hail threat for many. Storms have been weakening, but still with smaller hail and very heavy rain
Severe thunderstorm warning for SW Winnebago county and NW Ogle county until 5:30am. Half dollar sized hail and very heavy rain. Damage to cars expected. Storm is moving east at 40mph.

4AM: Strong storm over Freeport is moving east at 45mph.Very heavy rain and a lot of lightning with this storm. Hail near nickel size is possible.
2:45 AM

Storms developing to our west are now beginning to move east. Storms are moving around 35mph, with a lot of lightning and heavy rain. Some hail is possible too, around penny to quarter sized. Storms continue through mid morning.
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