Saturday, September 14, 2024

Saturday morning weather update

 Throughout the past few weeks, the main weather theme has been high pressure keeping the Midwest calm and dry through much of the first half of September. This is common with high pressure systems as they often decrease upper-level wind flow as well as keep surface conditions relatively dry as moisture is often stunted away from the high pressure. This has been the story for much of the early part of the month and expect those conditions to continue.

Throughout the weekend however, water vapor imagery as well as Precipitable Water or moisture content in the atmosphere, show that with the landfall of formerly Hurricane Francine increased water vapor and moisture will be present throughout the Midwest.
Through Saturday this increased moisture content stick around helping fuel some very isolated showers through this time.

Throughout Saturday afternoon and into the evening on Saturday heavier cloud cover along with increasing shower chances will be the main story. Comparing Future cast to the moisture content graphic it's easy to see that areas to the west near the Mississippi River will have high chances for both cloud cover and rainfall. Throughout much of the state line we will keep our chances slim to isolated as we will be right on the gradient of higher moisture content.

After the weekend though expect high pressure to continue to build to our east. This will slowly cutoff the remnants of Hurrican Francine as well as cutoff any moisture we will have through the week.

By Wednesday, we will be very dry across the state line with this pattern continuing through the rest of the week. Lower pressure and stronger upper-level winds will remain to the west as high pressure "blocks" any of that moving east.
This is reflected well in the seven-day forecast as after the weekend's slim chances we will remain dry through the entire week. Expect summer like conditions to stick around through the week with plenty of sunshine and mid 80-degree temperatures to continue. 


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