Thursday, September 19, 2024

Thursday afternoon weather update: Dry through most of the evening

For the eleventh day in a row the high temperature has reached 80 degrees, with a few locations Thursday afternoon reaching the low 90s. The warmth this afternoon has been aided by a breezy southerly wind.

A little cloud cover has been moving in from the west, tied into isolated showers and thunderstorms that developed earlier in the day over eastern Iowa. As those moved near the Mississippi River they encountered the drier air, weakening quite a bit with their eastward progression.

Additional thunderstorms have developed, some turning severe, over north-central Iowa and are currently moving into southern Minnesota. This is the area where most of the storm activity will be through the rest of the afternoon and evening. 

Locally, our storm chances will begin to increase (although not by much) after Midnight as the front approaches northwest Illinois. However, dry air ahead of the storms will likely cause them to weaken quite a bit east of the Mississippi River. We should see at least some scattered rain, isolated storm activity, move in between Midnight and 5am Friday, with drier conditions expected for the afternoon and evening.

Highs on Friday will warm into the mid-80s, with the upper 80s to follow Saturday.


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