Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Special Harvest Moon this Weekend

We are in for a special treat this weekend as the Harvest Moon is set to occur Sunday evening.  According to folklore, the Harvest Moon is the full moon that is closest to the Autumnal Equinox. 

But the Harvest Moon this year will also be eclipsed!  It will all begin at 8:07pm Sunday evening when the edge of the moon begins to enter into the Earth's shadow.  The Earth's shadow will then move across the moon for the next 3 hours and 18 minutes, with totality beginning at 9:11pm and lasting for 1 hour and 12 minutes.

Not only that, but moon will occur near the perigee of the Moon's orbit, or closet point to the Earth.  This will make this year's Harvest Moon a "Supermoon"!  A sight you don't want to miss!

To the left is where the supermoon eclipse will be visible Sunday night.  And as for the forecast, skies should stay partly cloudy, giving us at least a decent chance of seeing something we haven't seen for quite some time! 

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