Finally! A weekend where we could get out and enjoy the outdoors without having to bundle up. While a few showers came down on Saturday, Sunday was dry and mild with temperatures reaching the mid 60's.
Temperatures through the last week of April will remain seasonable but there are some signals that point to the possibility of temperatures falling slightly below average once again within the first week or two of May. Average highs at the beginning of May should be in the upper 60's, to near 70 degrees.
Even though temperatures will be warming through the end of the month, April as a whole will likely go down in the books as below average. Mostly because of just how cold it was during the first half of the month. Not only were high temperatures well below average, but overnight lows were below average as well. Through the first 22 days of the month, 17 of those days had overnight lows either at or below 32 degrees, putting this April as the fourth most of record for freezing temperatures. The record was 20 days set back in 1907! The fact that the third highest April was 18 days set back in 1926 just proves that the cold we were dealing with hasn't been felt in quite some time.
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