Monday, July 26, 2010


It was a month's worth of rain in only a matter of days that fell across the Stateline.  Here is the 72 hour rainfall total map ending Sunday, July 25th.  Just look at the swath of 10"+ rain that fell across north-central and northwest Illinois and into Iowa.  What was once a deficit in the rainfall department has now put us over 5 inches of what our montly average should be!!  We are sitting at 9.09" for the Chicago/Rockford International Airport.


  1. YIKES! Last week Rockford was on pace to have one of the top five driest July's on record...oh how things have changed. Now it looks like Rockford will have it's 3rd wettest on record (at least).

    Below are the top five wettest July's on record (for Rockford airport - period of record begining in 1951)

    Rank Rain Year
    1 11.81" 1952
    2 9.72" 1996
    3 8.89" 1982
    4 8.39" 1972
    5 7.61" 1989

  2. M.W
    You're right! Amazing how things have changed within just a matter of days. Thanks for sharing the top five wettest July's here in Rockford! Very good information! - CK
