Friday, May 10, 2024

Few spotty evening showers ahead of Mother's Day weekend warmup

Congrats friends, you made it to Friday. 

When it comes to the forecast, I've got some good news. Thursday's cloudy, rainy, and cool weather will not carry on into our Friday. 

In fact, sunshine makes a sweet return in a partial fashion throughout the day, allowing highs to inch closer towards average. Typically, average highs at this point in May are in the upper 60s.

Forecast models then show clouds increasing during the evening hours as a weak clipper-like system dives into the western Great Lakes. 

This system will have enough lift with it for a few isolated showers and t-storms to develop, especially between 7PM-11PM. Severe potential is extremely low, though a heavy downpour or two cannot be ruled out. All in all, the rainfall department won't see much as most will wind up under .20". 

From there, clouds will quickly clear out, leaving temperatures to fall into the upper 40s. Mother's Day weekend begins will basically a repeat of today, just minus the evening shower chance. 

Temperatures continue their climb into Mother's Day as highs wind up closer to the 80° mark. Most of the day will be dry, though rain chances will be on the increase Sunday night into Monday.

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