Sunday, May 19, 2024

Heat continues Sunday afternoon


Temperatures Saturday afternoon felt more like mid to late July and August rather than mid-May as highs warmed into the mid and upper 80s! Rockford's high officially warmed to 88 degrees.

A cold front passed through the Stateline late Saturday night but with a dry air mass ahead of the front skies remained dry. Temperatures have been cooling slightly across northwest Illinois with readings right around 60 degrees Sunday morning, but with the sunshine expected Sunday afternoon temperatures should quickly warm. Afternoon highs are expected once again to reach the middle 80s. The record high for Sunday is 96 degrees set back in 1934, so still a bit to go before reaching that. However, temperatures Tuesday could, in some locations, hit 90 degrees if showers and thunderstorms hold off until late in the day.

While it'll be warm, perhaps hot, Sunday afternoon it shouldn't be overly humid. Dew point temperatures will remain in the 50s. A warm front passing through the Stateline Sunday night will not only bring with it a chance for an isolated storm or two overnight, but it'll also help bring back the summer-like humidity.

Dew point temperatures will quickly warm into the 60s, even mid-60s, Monday and Tuesday which will make it feel a little more humid during the afternoon. Another cold front Wednesday will bring both temperatures and humidity levels down, but afternoon highs will still remain above average.   

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