Timing these impacts out the morning does look to remain clear up until around 10 a.m. The initial wave of precipitation is expected to expand and push east from Iowa beginning to impact the western counties of the state lien with a likely mix of snow and freezing rain. This will quickly transition to freezing rain though as temperatures aloft will begin to warm while near the surface we'll remain below freezing through the afternoon.
The highest chances for freezing rain will occur during the afternoon around 2 p.m., however. depending on the rate at which rain falls will either benefit or deter accumulation of freezing rain. If we see slower rainfall rates this may allow more rain to freeze near the surface and cause more impacts.
Chances for freezing rain will continue until the 5 p.m. hour where surface temperatures will be well above freezing by that point. However, for the time rain is freezing to the surface driving and walking conditions may be impacted so take extra precaution heading out the door. By 7 p.m. widespread rainfall and warmer surface temperatures will be present which should help melt any accumulated freezing rain from the afternoon.
One important thing to note though is that surface temperatures don't often need to be below freezing for freezing rain to occur. As we've had such cold temperatures the past few days. ground temperatures are still below freezing so any rain that does fall may freeze a lot easier at the surface due to the ground's temperatures. This will make driving and walking even more dangerous as these surfaces can accumulate a lot faster than grass or vegetation.
As of now, accumulations for the state line don't look to be as significant as areas to the west in Iowa however some accumulation or "glazing" may be possible. Even in cases of low ice accumulation driving conditions still become dangerous as windshields and pavement is still able to freeze. Take extra precaution if you head to plan out today especially areas to the west where the highest freezing rain accumulation is expected.
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