Saturday, June 1, 2024

4th Warmest Meteorological Spring on record


The beginning of Meteorological Summer felt anything but summer-like as cloud cover, steady rain, and fog kept our temperatures on the cooler side for most of Saturday afternoon. Officially, the high temperature for Rockford will go down in the record books as 69 degrees, but that was achieved shortly after Midnight. Once the rain moved in Saturday morning temperatures fell into the upper 50s and low 60s -which is where our numbers currently sit.

Looking back over the last three months of March, April, and May - also known as Meteorological Spring - it was the fourth warmest spring on record since record keeping began in 1905. The average temperature for the season was 52.9 degrees, four degrees above normal. Overall, 12.43 inches of precipitation fell which was 2.10 inches above normal. We also recorded 6.1 inches of snow, which was 0.3 inches above normal.

The month of March had quite a few record high daily temperatures, as well breaking the record daily snowfall on the 22nd. April recorded a record warm low on the 14th, and on the 7th of May we broke our record daily rainfall record with 1.37 inches.

The beginning of June may actually fall below average as some of the longer-range outlooks place the Midwest and Great Lakes at a higher probability for below average temperatures. The average high should be in the upper 70s, so it won't be a dramatic drop, but following a few warm and humid days to kick start the workweek, it may feel a bit cooler.


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