Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Heat persists into next week

 After just hitting our third day in a row of 94 degrees, heat looks to stick around into next week bringing little to no relief to the Midwest. If we hit 90 degrees again tomorrow this will be the first 4 day stretch since 2022.

The ridge that has been over the Eastern United States this past week begins to flatten out later this week bringing some relief to the region with temperatures dropping into the mid to upper 80's early next week. This relief does not stick around for long though as after a flattening pattern the ridge once again begins to build.
Looking further into next week the ridge begins to build once again and thus bringing higher temperatures back into the Midwest. With this coming ridge high pressure will set up over the Southwest bringing even higher temperatures to that region.
According to the Climate Prediction Center as the next ridge begins to intensify warm temperatures will once again dominate much of the Eastern United States. Temperatures will again rise as we move into next week however to the extent of these temperatures is still up in the air.

Not only will temperatures be affected by this ridge but so will precipitation as next week approaches. Drier conditions will begin to set in over the Western United States while the Midwest and Southern plains will receive more rain. This rain will be much needed for many areas of the Cornbelt region so depending on the position of the ridge will help determine rainfall next week.

Rain and thunderstorm chances next week are dependent on where the core of upper-level winds set up within this ridge. With a flatter and more Eastern orientated ridge rainfall will be brought back to our region while a ridge pushing into Canada will continue drier conditions. Either way temperatures will creep back up into the 90's once again next week with next Tuesday already forecasted to reach 90 degrees so heat safety will once again be needed.



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