Sunday, June 9, 2024

Winds ease a bit Sunday evening


Temperatures Sunday afternoon warmed into the upper 70s and low 80s, with Rockford's high reaching 81 degrees. The warmth, however, also came with quite a bit of wind.

West winds were rather gusty during the afternoon with a few locations coming close to 40mph. The strong winds will ease some through the evening, maintaining a 20mph breeze through the night. The wind on Monday won't be quite as strong, but it will remain breezy during the afternoon.

Sunday's gusty winds were the result of deeper mixing throughout the atmosphere. Stronger winds just a few thousand feet above the surface were able to be pulled down thanks to the added sunshine during the afternoon. This combined with strong high pressure moving south out of Canada resulted in the stronger wind gusts. As high pressure moves a little closer to the area Monday winds won't be quite as strong as what they were Sunday afternoon.

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