Monday, June 3, 2024

Scattered storms return Tuesday


After a somewhat active Monday afternoon and evening storm coverage will continue to decrease area wide Monday night. While an isolated storm or two can't be ruled out, most should remain dry through the night.

It'll stay warm and humid, though, as temperatures hold in the mid and upper 60s. The warmer start Tuesday morning will help bring afternoon temperatures back into the 80s. Highs on Tuesday are forecast to reach the mid-80s.

Scattered thunderstorms are once again expected to develop Tuesday afternoon as an upper-level disturbance moves in from the south. The lack of stronger jet stream winds aloft means that any organized storm activity will remain limited. However, with high moisture and building instability during the afternoon any storms that do develop will be capable of producing gusty winds along with heavy downpours.

More organized severe weather is expected to the west ahead of a cold front moving through the Plains. That front will pass through the Stateline late Tuesday night. While a cluster of storms is likely to form as a result, they should be in a weakening state by the time they reach northern Illinois and southern Wisconsin. This, combined with the timing of the front, will limit our severe potential overnight.

By Wednesday morning the cold front will be to the east with sunshine and breezy northwest winds returning during the afternoon. A slight return in moisture Wednesday evening will bring back some cloud cover, as well as a passing shower or two. Highs on Wednesday warm near 80, with the 70s expected to round out the week.

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