Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Shower chances linger, pleasant improvements to follow

For a second consecutive day, the summer-like warmth and humidity led to a round of strong to isolated severe thunderstorms. 

Fortunately, most of what passed through passed through non-severe, though rain did fall heavy at times. From there, rain stuck around overnight and is very likely to linger into the morning commute as the first of two cold fronts slides through. Behind the frontal passage, rapid drying will take place, resulting in lots of sunshine for the afternoon. 

With more of a westerly wind in place, expect highs to fall back near the 80-degree mark. What's more is that humidity levels will take a big hit, leaving dew points comfortably in the mid 50s by the time the evening commute rolls around. 

A secondary cold front is expected to arrive shortly after sunset, bringing with it not only a quick increase in cloud cover but also the chance for a few brief showers. Chances will be quick to move in and quick to move out, allowing skies to clear some as we approach Thursday's morning commute. 

Sunshine, cooler temperatures, and lower humidity dominate the weather headlines to round out the work week. Expect northwest flow to keep temperatures in the low 70s Thursday and Friday.

The one blemish is Thursday's wind as winds look to become quite strong, gusting up to 30 to even 35 mph at times during the day. Other than that, temperatures remain cool and rain chances remain quite low into the beginning of next week.

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