Monday, June 17, 2024

Thunderstorm chances arrive Wednesday


While Monday night wains the heat continues to stick around with temperatures only dropping into the mid 70's tonight. The heat will stick around as the week goes by however with the heat some thunderstorm chances arrive as well.

Although Tuesday stays mostly clear Wednesday brings the chance for showers and some isolated thunderstorms through the afternoon and evening hours. Temperatures will stay in the low to mid 90's throughout the day however as clouds build throughout the day so do rain and thunderstorm chances.

With the heat currently in place dewpoints are also high which combined with the any sunshine thunderstorm chances are enhanced even more. As Wednesday goes by a cold front begins to move through the region bringing a source of lift to a warm and unstable atmosphere.

This cold front should arrive in the early evening hours and although temperatures won't drop significantly, it will provide the lift in the atmosphere to spark thunderstorms. These storms will most likely bring heavy downpours with some stronger wind gusts in stronger cells however as of now severe chances don't seem likely. These evening thunderstorms however will provide some much-needed rain to the already dry region.
As the cold front moves through thunderstorm chances will move with it and by 10 pm storms will be much more isolated. As well as the front moves off temperatures will drop however not significantly as by Thursday and even Friday we will be approaching 90 degrees once again. 

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