Thursday, June 13, 2024

Drier conditions coming next week

 After Thursday's scattered thunderstorms the week closes out with lower temperatures. However, looking forward to next week not only do 90 temperatures arrive next week but so do drier conditions.

These hot temperatures and dry conditions are linked to a strong ridge setting up. With this ridge high pressure will build in the southeast bringing mid-summer like temperatures to the region. Depending on where this ridge sets up will greatly impact precipitation totals for the Midwest region. As it looks right now the enhanced flow of the ridge will setup over Iowa and Minnesota bringing more precipitation to those regions. However, for Northern Illinois a ridge setting up like this would keep conditions dry over the region. If the ridge flattens out however later next week precipitation totals can increase all depending on where upper-level winds are enhanced over the Midwest.
As it stands now portions of Northern Illinois are in drier than normal conditions however drought conditions are not in place yet. June is Illinois' wettest month on record however as it stands right now rainfall has been stunted by 1.21 inches throughout the month. With a drier and hotter pattern coming drought conditions will be monitored further. However isolated shower and thunderstorm chances are still possible through next week again all depending on where the ridge previously mentioned sets up. 

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