Sunday, June 23, 2024

Heavy rainfall and flooding continue early this week

 After last night's round of severe thunderstorms heavy rainfall has sparked multiple flood warnings and flood watches throughout the state line. Widespread heavy rainfall stuck around for much of the night with training storms or continuously developing storms causing heavy rain to fall on areas for over an hour.

Many areas over the state line received widespread 2–3-inch rainfall which for many in the farming community was well needed. Areas in purple on the map above received 3-4 inches and even more with some areas in McHenry County reaching almost 5-inch rainfall totals.
Currently multiple flood warnings are in effect over multiple counties lasting until 10:15 pm as well as portions of the Rock River in Southern Wisconsin. As well multiple flood watches are in effect in the darker green, these watches last through the next couple days into Tuesday as more rainfall will be expected during the day and evening Tuesday. With this next threat of heavy rain Tuesday more flood warnings may be warranted as combined with the current rainfall totals can cause some enhanced flooding issues.
Taking a look at rainfall chances these next few days both overnight and especially all of Tuesday will be a time to keep an eye out for more rain. Monday overnight a line of showers makes its way through the region however Tuesday again brings the chance of strong to severe thunderstorms, with those very heavy rainfall as well. With multiple rounds of showers and thunderstorms through most of the day, rainfall totals can rise over an inch or more bringing more flooding threats.

With the threat of more heavy rain to come it's important to review some flood safety tips as with heavy downpours water can rise quickly. If a flash flood or flood warning is issued, make sure to get to higher ground and follow the "Turn around don't drown" phrase. Never drive on a flooded roadway as water can be visually deceiving. In most cases only one foot of water is needed to make cars float away, with heavy downpours and strong winds from thunderstorms downing leaves and branches this leads to an enhanced risk of sewers flooding and roadways becoming impassable.

Pay attention to both watches and warnings as water can rise quickly especially in flood prone areas near waterways and lower areas.


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