Friday, August 9, 2024

Cool and dry stretch persists through the weekend

 It was a gloomy and cool day in the Stateline with many spots struggling to reach the 70-degree mark! We made it only 73° in Rockford, about 10° cooler than our average high of 83°. Many other locations were stuck in the mid or upper 60s all day, including those in Southern Wisconsin.

While this stretch of cool air is unseasonable, it is not quite record-breaking. Rockford's record cool high for today's date is 70°, but we fell just shy of that mark hitting 73° this afternoon. Tonight, the record low is 48°, but the current forecast is only 52°.

The early taste of fall sticks around into the night with gradually clearing skies. Temperatures will fall through the 60s and into the low 50s for the overnight lows. More sunshine starts off Saturday morning, but it will be another cool day regardless.

A lot of the reasoning behind this cool weather is thanks to an upper-level low across the Northern Great Lakes. This has some enhanced flow aloft overhead, keeping the moisture away and cool flow locally in the short-term.

Once the low moves out into early next week, moisture will produce at least scattered rain chances Monday. Highest coverage of any rain looks to stay to the South and West, but at least a chance for some spotty showers will be possible as soon as Monday. Tuesday looks dry as of now, but Wednesday onward will bring a return to average temperatures and more rain chances.

The cool weather stays with us through the weekend with a few more cool days and nights. Afternoon highs will gradually rise through the week, reaching back near average by the middle of the week. Rain chances will also return at least in a scattered form Wednesday into the following weekend.

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